NEWSFLASH (updated) – 21 injured and 7 dead in DNV, Bratislava, as crazed armed shooter goes on rampage

An armed man started shooting randomly at people in Devinska Nova Ves just after 10.00 this morning with an automatic weapon.

Spokeswoman for the Operations centre of the Medical Rescue Service, Dominka Sulkova, has now confirmed that so far they have 21 injured and 7 dead (updated 13.17). At least 4 women and 2 men are among the victims. One of the injured is a 5-yr old boy and his father may be one of those killed.

The man started shooting at people in the street and at the windows of nearby flats. There are currently six ambulances on site and the police are not giving any information about the incident as yet.

The police are not letting anyone into the borough, but now there are reports that the man may have committed suicide.

None of the information has been confirmed yet as the press are being kept in the dark still.

The Daily will keep you updated.


  1. NEWSFLASH (updated) ? 21 injured and 7 dead in DNV, Bratislava, as ……

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  2. 19 injured and 6 dead in DNV, Bratislava, as crazed armed shooter ……

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  3. […] în această dimineţa la Bratislava. Şase oameni au murit şi alţi 19 au fost răniţi. Potrivit, la faţa locului se află mai multe […]

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