Viettel Wants To Be 4th Mobile Operator

Spokesman for the Telecommunications Authority (TU), Roman Vavro announced on Friday that a large player from Asia was interested in becoming the fourth mobile phone operator on the Slovak market.

Today Vavro confirmed the name of the company as Vietnamese telecommunications services provider Viettel Corporation. The company is interested in frequencies in the 800 MHz and 2,600 MHz bands, so may be providing high speed internet as well.

The company already operates on three continents and has expressed a strong interest in entering the Slovak market, says Vavro. Slovakia would then act as its launching pad for elsewhere in Europe.


  1. Vietnamese military-run telecoms company Viettel Corporation generated turnover of VND117 trillion (USD5.45 billion) in 2011….. so does this mean if they move to Slovakia that Slvaks that may work for the company will have to join the Vietnamese Militray to work for them? Come on…. Keep Business away from Military, Politics and Religion….Perhaps this is how the Vietnamese will hitch a free ride to Slovakia… I have seen a lot of them lately!

  2. Great , Viettel wants to be the 4th Mobile Op and win the World F1 Championship all in the same year …what an ambitious lad .

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