A recent survey carried out by Eurobarometer shows that as much as 53% of Slovaks aged 15-24 are in favour of completely banning marijuana, while the average for the EU is slightly higher at 59%.
The survey was carried out on a sample of over 500 respondents in Slovakia, with 41% expressing support for some kind of regulated access to this soft drug. Only 5% of those taking part in the survey felt that the use of marijuana should be made completely legal.
Just across the border, 7% of Czech respondents felt there was a high risk posed by by occasional use of cannabis. while 39% felt it posed a low risk and 31% were of the opinion that it posed no risk at all. Slovakia was similar in this respect, with 65% feeling that there was a low or no risk to occasional use.
The figures show little change over a similar survey conducted in 2008, when two thirds of respondents were completely against marijuana usage. As could be expected, the figures for harder drugs like heroin and cocaine were much higher, with 97% of Slovaks in favour of their prohibition.
The puritans would take things a bit further, with 11% of respondents in favour of banning tobacco products and 6% supporting the prohibition of alcohol. A summary report of the Youth attitude to drugs can be viewed here.