The passenger figures at Bratislava Airport tend to fluctuate because of the overall small volume, and most recently passenger numbers have been falling, with 13.7% fewer passengers year-on-year in January passing through the airport.
With a total of 78,800 passengers in January 2011, this is something like 12,000 less than last year. The drop was caused mostly by the cancelled domestic routes between Bratislava and Kosice.
The second biggest user of Bratislava Airport, Czech Airlines, also cut back the number of flights between the Czech and Slovak capitals. Domestic airline Danube Wings has also been dropping its routes, most recently cancelling its flights to Switzerland.
Domestic flights were down 34% year-on-year, while chartered flights showed a massive 53% drop, while overall the number of takeoffs and landings was 17% less in January that a year ago. Cargo and mail transport were up 37% and 53% respectively, though.
Top flyer at Bratislava Airport in January was Ryanair with something like 69,500 passengers, while a distant second was occupied by Czech Airlines with 2,600 passengers, then Danube Wings with 2,500 passengers. London, Dublin and Bergamo are still the most popular destinations.