RAF anniversary in Čunovo (5 October, 2010)
Sixty-six years ago occupying Nazi forces shot down a British Wellington bomber and its crew of five in the area of Čunovo, south of Bratislava. The Embassy and its guests have paid tribute to those brave airmen who lost their lives at the spot. Also present was Mr Alan Johnson, the nephew of one of those airmen, Sergeant Robert Johnson.
Ambassador Michael Roberts together with Slovak Air Force Commander Juraj Baranek, Defence Attache Adam Jowett and other guests paid their tribute to these soldiers at a memorial outside of Bratislava on 5th October 2009. “These brave man served their country and fought for the freedom and democracy that we enjoy in Europe today. It is important that today’s generation does not forget the sacrifices of previous generations“ said Roberts.
Courtesy of the British Embassy in Slovakia – photos available at http://ukinslovakia.fco.gov.uk/en/