Commission: Slovakia Must Change Waste Legislation

Flags at Bratislava Castle (c) The Daily

The European Commission has today requested Slovakia to change its waste legislation in order to comply with EU rules on the free movement of goods.

The present Slovakian legislation requires that hazardous waste arising in the Slovak Republic should preferably be recovered within the country. Due to this provision, permissions to export waste to other member States were systematically denied. The Commission regards this requirement as in violation to EU rules on the free movement of goods.

Based on the reasoned opinion issued today, Slovakia has two months to inform the Commission on possible measures to be taken to ensure the compliance with EU law in order to avoid being referred to the EU’s Court of Justice.

Waste for recovery should be free to circulate within the EU market without restrictions. Therefore, the Commission considers the provision of Waste Act in breach of Article 35 TFEU, which prohibit quantitative restrictions on exports or measures having an equivalent effect. By now Slovakia did not justify this requirement on the basis of a legitimate ground, such as environmental protection.



  1. It would appear it is a tradition from the split ..Czech is a Czech not a Czechian , QED, a Slovak is a Slovak , not a Slovakian.

    Mr Masters I could not really comment on your wife’s lack of grammar -knowledge, ignorance of her own race, or her current stupidity .

    1. and the new airline in Slovakia is called Slovakian (–Slovenske-aerolinky-so-slovinskym-znakom). Stop picking hairs George. Not sure why you started this comment strain anyway.

      1. I can assure you they are all wrong .

        And you can ‘name’ anything with grammar …I know a taxi company that is called Wancars ??

  2. My wife comes from the Slovakia. When someone asks her for her nationality she says shes Slovakian. ps I’m English

  3. That’s a brave comment!!!! does Hungarian, Brazilian, Mexican, and Russian exist George/The Staff ? 🙂 lol

    With comments like that its a give away that your on the team trying to attract attention for the site!!

  4. There is no such word as Slovakian ….Slovak or Slovakia .

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