Court Awards EUR 10k for Slota from Daily SME

Head of SNS Jan Slota will be adding EUR 10,000 to his account after he won a court case against the publisher of daily SME, Petit Press, over allegations that he had been involved in committing petty crime.

Mr. Slota EUR 10 k richer (c) The Daily

The daily published articles in 2008 about robberies and car thefts that they claimed Jan Slota had been involved in when he was young, and so Zilina district court ruled in favour of Slota, demanding that the daily make a public apology, omit the articles from its online version and also pay the SNS co-founder EUR 10,000 in compensation.

Slota is known for having a lot of power in Zilina, where among other things he served as mayor for many years, so the court ruling on the case might not surprise some people. The publisher has already settled the compensation payment and met the other conditions of the ruling.

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