Cuba trip and others cancelled for Foreign Affairs Committee

As the government struggles to get the country’s deficit back on acceptable levels, no stone is being left unturned.

The latest move is to have parliament examine every business trip abroad to curb overspending or wastage. Most recently the Foreign Affairs Committee had a whole range of exotic places pulled from under their feet, as new Committee chairman Frasntisek Sebej cancelling trips to the likes of Cuba, Argentina and Syria. The trips had been approved under the former government, but now Sebej says there is no money available for this kind of tourism.

Possibly concealing his disappointment, former Committee head Juraj Horvath (Smer-SD) revealed how Cuba was the most popular destination among MPs. He even admitted that these trips may have been primarily for the sake of leisure, while not forgetting to add that he himself would have worked rather than relaxed.

Now Sebej will only approve neighbouring countries and those of key importance to Slovakia, like the United Kingdom, Germany, the U.S.A, for instance.

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