There is a far more “alive” EU on the digital front. Far more alive than what you see on the streets, in Parliaments and cabinets across the continent. And it is alive because it’s not being run by politicians but by people.
People debate and argue, write blog posts and Facebook rants, go on Twitter to express views and opinions. They start up online platforms for pan-European debate, friendships are struck and sometimes “e-war” is waged. But everything settles down without too much fuss because the people want to get together. Common views on a particular subject create bond, that extends then further into cyberspace, and becomes a viable link between two individuals separated by thousands of miles.
Cyberspace creates European citizens with more speed and eloquence than most political initiatives. And it works. It works because when people find common ground and start to share information they reach a point where that information has an added value of personality, beliefs and life experience. Which only enhances the exchange. Critics will argue that in turn cyber-connections don’t survive outside of cyberspace. Yes sometimes they don’t, but the simple matter is that they have existed.
Their existence, even if not long lasting, is important. Connections enable a certain tolerance to set in. People in general tend to be less antagonistic if there is an experience that allows them to relate to the subject at hand. And if that topic would be related to inter-EU immigration, then established relationships between people are a great way to prevent negative experiences.
I have said it before, and I will say it again – this Europe can only be made real by the people. Because no matter how strongly argued the political and economical positions, it is the common man, my average Jane/Joe, that builds the unity. This is the brick that this “house of Europe” will be built with – people.
By Horatiu Ferchiu – read the rest of the article here on