Durex does its bit to combat STD and AIDS

Sexually transmitted diseases concern all sexually active people who do not protect themselves enough.

The company Durex is aware of this and so has launched a campaign to help reduce the growing number of people infected by AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The unwillingness to use condoms was one of the incentives to begin the campaign. 

In the Slovak Republic many people are unaware of the danger posed by sexually transmitted diseases. They don’t consider sexually transmitted diseases to be their problem and have no need to protect themselves against them.

“Young people have a fixed idea that sexually transmitted diseases relate only to those people who have random sex with people potentially at risk. However, this information is wrong and the reason is a lack of information”, says Barbora Vlčková, brand manager for Durex.

Volunteers will be selling Durex condoms on streets all over Slovakia for just EUR 0.40 on 1 December to commemorate World AIDS Day. Proceeds from the sale will be given to non-profit organisations.

1 Comment

  1. This sounds as advertisement for condoms. Sorry. What else can brand manager for Durex says. I have different opinion. I have never been afraid of AIDS, maybe my behaviour didn´t provoke “happiness”. I know, that many times it is not enough, but it is better than information, you can do whatever you want and condom will safe yout life. It is definitely not true.

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