Economic sentiment in Slovakia is on the up, rising 2.3 points between April and May to reach 101.3, marking the first time the Economic Sentiment Indicator has beaten the long-term mean figure in two years.
The figures, released by the Statistical Office SR, present a more optimistic picture held by consumers in all monitored segments, despite a lower figure in industry and construction. The office projects rising employment together with a slight slowdown in economic activity.
I had some offers on my orna poda. The big June 1 changes was pushed on me to say, I better sell now. NOT. They are offering 50% less for my land and think I will jump at it due to the new land laws for orna poda. Ain’t selling sweetie.
Well at our local office, there has been more enquirers and offers to buy land (both big and small plots) in the last six months than in the previous 6 yrs. So im guessing those with money, know that now is the best time to beat a deal with those who don’t!
Though with the UK going into then out of recession almost a year ahead of central Europe, we would expect a lift in the economy by now.