Eight British Musicians Crash Under HGV on Motorway

Eight group of eight musicians from Britain had a lucky escape on a Slovak motorway this morning as they found themselves crushed under an HGV on their way to Poland, reports Webnoviny.sk.

Illustrative photo

The accident happened near Zilina when for some unknown reason the 22-yr old driver suddenly jerked the wheel, changing lane before smashing into the back of a semi-trailer of a truck, which then dragged them about 350 metres along the motorway.

Only one driver was badly injured, and now lies in a hospital in Zilina. The other passengers got out unharmed. The police are now looking into the cause of the accident and have taken a blood sample from the driver to check for alcohol or drugs.

1 Comment

  1. I’m always amazed when I watch TV News , how many times Slovak drivers can hit the only tree, often the only tree in the road for several hundred meters.

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