Former PM and head of the opposition is stirring things up over Slovakia’s refusal to join the loan mechanism for Greece. He called for a lunch meeting with EU ambassadors in Slovakia, the main point of which was to discuss the Greece loan, or lack of it from the side of Slovakia.
Greek ambassador to Slovakia, Nicolaos Kanellos, told reporters that the EU countries should proceed together in approving a loan for Greece, with Slovakia the only EU country to have said “no” to the aid.
“Where Greece is concerned, we comply with the European rules and wish that all members of the Union would follow the same policy,” said Kanellos after the lunch. Robert Fico, who backed the loan before losing the general elections, has called for the Slovak government to re-open talks on the loan for Greece, and plans to initiate a debate in parliament on the subject.
Spokesman for PM Iveta Radičová (SDKÚ), Rado Bato, announced that he saw no reason for revisiting the matter of the loan, adding that “Mr. Fico could have voted on the loan for Greece, but he did not make use of this option”.