Figel Recalls NDS Head Over Cronyism

Following pressure from his peers, transport minister Jan Figel eventually decided to recall head of the National Motorway Company (NDS), Alan Sitar, from his post.

Transport minister Jan Figel (c) The Daily

The case involved overpriced consulting services and training at a five star hotel for NDS staff, with suspicions of cronyism. It came to light after disgruntled NDS staff sent an anonymous letter to Figel pointing to the situation at the authority. the letter included copies of 17 orders that general director Sitar and his associates had issued worth over EUR 309,000.

Earlier in the day Sitar had argued that nothing illegal had been done and his decision to outsource the services had been for the good of the NDS, as the company was facing a demanding time with regard to motorway construction.

Figel viewed the orders, and their timing, as unethical and unacceptable. He will meet with the NDS Board of Directors today to decide on an interim head until a regular general director is selected, which he wants to do using standard recruitment processes. PM Iveta Radicova endorsed Figel’s decision to dismiss Sitar.


  1. Pot , Kettle Black comes to mind You could toast crumpets on the heat of the this Minister and his Party hypocrisy.

    Sold that Old Town flat you were given for peanuts by Mr KDH Mayor and given the sale cash to charity as you promise yet Figel …..?

  2. Pot , Kettle Black comes to mind You could toast crumpets on the heat of the this Minister and his Party hypocrisy.

    Sold that Old Town flat you were given for peanuts by Mr KDH Mayor and given the sale cash to charity as you promise yet Figel …..?

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