Gorilla protesters will be taking to the streets of Bratislava again today, with the initial gathering taking place at 4pm on SNP Square.
In addition to keeping up the pressure on their demands, the organisers are this time calling for Supreme Court head Stefan Harbin to be recalled from his post. They say Harabin should step down because he has been morally discredited, among other things for not explaining his relationship with outlawed Albanian drug boss Baki Sadiki.
The Gorilla protesters now have four key demands, which PM Iveta Radicova has referred to as reasonable. They are:
- a change to the election system so that it is possible to choose from various politicians in their own region and not just politically proposed candidates
- fixing tools of direct democracy such as referendums on a local, regional and national level
- cancellation of criminal immunity for members of parliament
- a thorough investigation into all suspicions arising out of the Gorilla reports, with criminal liability to be imposed
The hackers group Anonymous plans to attack the websites of financial group Penta and the Ministry of Justice today at 4pm in a show of solidarity with the protesters and in response to the banning of Tom Nicholson’s book on the Gorilla affair. Other protests are taking place at the same time today in Poprad, Ruzomberok, Nitra, Bardejov and even Dublin, Ireland.
Not to mention his wrongful intervention in the Tipos case, and his failure to comply with the Const. Court’s ruling that he open his books to the Finance Ministry…