Government starts cutting jobs and salaries

Coalition partners meet to fix public finances (photo: John Boyd)

The downsizing planned by the current government within state institutions is now starting to take shape, with customs officers among the first to be targeted.

Some 800 customers officers will allegedly be losing their jobs, but so far nobody knows which of them is set for the chop, as the Customs Office and the Ministry of Finance are still keeping their lips sealed about it.

Tax officers will also be targeted, but as finance minister Ivan Miklos recently commented: “We’re looking at considerable redundancies among customs officers, while tax officials should be less affected”.

The Ministry of Interior could also be saying farewell to dozens, if not hundreds, of its staff, with the rest facing a 10% wage cut. Negotiations are ongoing with the police, fire-fighters and mountain rescue teams, but the Ministry of Interior wants to hold back cuts in these areas to an absolute minimum.

The government planned 10% cut in salaries across-the-board is not obligatory, however, and finance minister Miklos said that the decision regarding wage cuts for the police falls to interior minister Daniel Lipsic.

1 Comment

  1. They oughtta give me a call. I can name entire ministries to shut down.

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