Government Transfers Transmission System from SPP to Eustream

Yesterday, the government gave the official thumbs up to the transfer of the most lucrative asset of former Slovak gas monopoly Slovensky plynarensky priemysel (SPP), the gas transmission system, from the parent company to transmission system operator Eustream, which recently changed hands.

Eustream, one of the biggest gas transmission system operators in Europe

As part of a nicely designed reshuffling, the government of Robert Fico essentially approved the transfer of the lucrative transmission lines to the company that is now run by the new shareholders from Energeticky a Prumyselny Holding, after the German and French partners to date said adieu to the business.

The move has come under some criticism, with Martin Chren from the Freedom and Solidarity Party (SaS) pointing out how Fico had changed his tune, as he was used the issue before the elections in March 2012, even referring to it as theft of state assets (valued at around EUR 2.4 billion). Chren therefore says Fico was lying and is not to be trusted.


  1. Nice to see the former official of the SPP getting just over three months jail for a fiddle that involved Euro 46 million. The court decided he did not want the money for himself? The only person who knew the whole story, Mr Ducky, collided with a bullet outside his home in Jan 99 and was not available to give evidence – how fortunate!

  2. How long has Mr Chren been in politics? Has he only just realised that BnM and others can’t and shouldn’t be trusted? No doubt the transfer was labelled as theft of national assets in the past because the kick backs would have gone in someone else’s pocket. Now power has shifted back to the bandits the toy box will be plundered for all the goodies and their subsequent disposal to “family and friends” will be either kept under wraps or spun as a series of “advantageous” moves. It will be interesting to see if the southern gas line is still completed, by passing the Slovak transit line and making it a white elephant.

  3. Nothing like selling your countryman’s hard earned soul for a few quid in your/ or ya mates back pocket eh!!!!!!! Obviously more lube ‘n’ grease needed here than in a shoot of ‘King Dong conkers lady-boy land’.

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