Hotels in Bratislava and Kosice are hiking up their prices for the 16 days when the World Ice-Hockey championships will take place in the two cities.
The standard room price in Carlton Hotel in Bratislava is EUR 120 a night, but during the ice-hockey championships (29 April – 15 May 2011) the price of a room at the hotel is EUR 300 a night.
There is huge interest already, even though the tournament is not for another seven months, and some hotels are already fully booked up. On average prices have been increased by around 20%, and as Luba Zuzulakova from the Chopin Hotel explained, the pricing policy reflects the excessive demand for rooms and so room charges go up as a result.
The tournament organisers expect to sell over 340,000 tickets, with thousands of fans expected to pour in especially from Russia and Scandinavia.