IWC Christmas bazaar and book fair this Sunday

Lots of bargains on offer

This year´s 20th annual Christmas Bazaar of the International Woman’s Club will be held on Sunday 21 November from 10 am to 4 pm in PKO.

The Christmas bazaar is a fund-raising event organised each year by the IWCB and is the biggest event of the international, diplomatic and ex-pat community in Slovakia. Thousands of visitors come every year to shop for original food or souvenirs from different countries (this year it will be 39 countries).

Last year the event raised over EUR 80,000 on this one day with all the money going to the IWCB charity account. The IWCB Charity committee decides on where and how to spend the money throughout the year, but all of it stays in Slovakia. All IWCB members work as volunteers, and all the income from the Bazaar goes to the Charity account.

So come along and pick up some good bargains while helping some good cause.



The Children’s Museum in Bratislava is having an English Book Fair this Sunday also, with English books, CDs, encyclopaedias etc. for sale all day from 10am to 5pm. There will be accompanying events and quizzes in Slovak and English, and all the usual activities that the museum offers.

For more info and directions, go to

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