Lipsic: “Foreigners should respect Slovak values and traditions”

The government endorsed its Migration Policy report up to 2020 on Wednesday 31 August and on the occasion interior minister Daniel Lipsic made a few comments about how foreigners in Slovakia should behave.

Interior minister Daniel Lipsic (c) The Daily

Lipsic noted how Slovakia did not welcome people here who would live in their own separate communities, saying “we view them as guests, and so they should act accordingly”. He said that the people of Slovakia would not change their customs, values or traditions for foreigners, and so foreigners should respect this.

Lipsic feels that people coming to live here should embrace Slovak culture and learn the language. He said the multiculturalism project had failed and that “a requisite of migration should be complete integration to Slovak society and acceptance of the country’s culture and traditions”.

In terms of economic migration, Lipsic said that Slovakia was committed to attracting qualified experts to the country who could fill positions where there is a lack of Slovaks for the same jobs. He says the actual kinds of job posts that this refers to would be decided on by the Ministry of Labour.

Slovakia already has large local foreign communities from the likes of Vietnam, the Arab states and even South America, and they do tend to stick together, some more than others. This is hardly surprising considering their own shared culture and traditions, and the fact that they can speak their own native language.

The same is true of many Slovaks living abroad, as they also tend to group. In Canada and the US there are large communities, even villages, of Slovaks congregating together, and Slovaks residing in the UK and Ireland sometimes don’t pick up the language because they are in contact mostly with their fellow countrymen.

So as foreigners, we are expected to respect the values and traditions of Slovakia. Unfortunately, many would question what those values are and if Slovaks themselves respect them. Let’s pray that eating the national dish Halusky does not  also become compulsory.


  1. I work part-time for the Slovak MOD. If I emulated my full-time Slovak colleagues I would work for one and a half hours a day for eight months of the year. Do nothing at all for the remaining 4 months. Take 2 -3 hour lunch breaks every day or just sign the time sheet for my 8 hours pay and go home or run my own private business from the state premises. I would bring my kids to work during the school holidays to save paying a childminder. I would be professionally incompetent, pig-ignorant and openly discriminate against all foriegners. I am trying to intergrate myself, but it just doesn’t feel right!

  2. Oh Come On Mr Hogdes and fellow readers, I am sure Minister Lipsic just knows that his race and Slovaks cannot stand being invaded by hoards of nignogs and ragheads .

  3. A cultured society is judged by how it treats it’s most vulnerable citizens.
    Historically, Slovak politicians and catholic dignitaries have managed this task with clinical efficiency -Guests today, gone tomorrow.
    Multiculturalism does work but it;s always in a transient state.Quite what Daniel Lipsic knows about it though is a mystery to me. Though I can’t relate to George’s
    literary style, I fear his assessment of the man is spot on.

  4. I think the Minister should clarify how he defines the words “assimilation” and “integration.” Also, in Europe, which by its essence, is multicultural. what is the alternative to multiculturalism, I wonder?

  5. I agree maybe not 100% but there is a point there,many cultures do not integrate well and especially if there is a major difference in religions,Slovakia is far better of to export cheap labor jobs then import cheap labor, education is the answer not immigration.

  6. Quote ……..However, they have to behave as guests,” he remarked. ( does this little snotbag have to be so Catholic ?? ) Lipšic hopes that Slovakia can avoid what he said were the problems caused by second- or third-generation immigrants in some other European countries. The Interior Ministry said it would be unacceptable for immigrants to create their own parallel communities with what it called ‘alternative rules’.

    Errrrrrrrr alternative rules and parallel communities already here pal ; Roma 360,000 , Hungarian 500,000 peoples. Try telling them they are here as guests ??

  7. oh and I don’t care what Mr Lipsic says, I will NEVER watch a single second of Senzei Senzus again….ever!!

  8. or acculturization might take the form of adapting to certain habits: brazen queue-jumping, dodgy tenders, cash-in-hand, over-use of the curt imperative form, offering to help but only a first gesture, then give up with a dismissive gesture……

  9. I had a comment culled by the Editor earlier this week , for saying this dickshite , has a huge pointy growth, with a helmet removed from his forehead, at least three times a year …………I think he about to set a new record in 2011, for 6 inch lump amputations.

  10. Foreigners can quickly absorb Slovak cultural norms and language by emulating suitable role models. The following should prove eminently suitable. Mr – Meciar, Dzurinda, Super, Slota, Fico, Trinka, Harabin: This list is not exhaustive but should prove a reasonable step on the way to achieving the desired assimilation.

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