Matovic (SaS) tells Belousovova (SNS) she is embarrassment to Christians

Slovak National Party (SNS) vice-chair Anna Belousovova did her best to bring down the Government Manifesto today, 4 August, saying it devastates and threatens Slovakia’s national interests.

One of her remarks was that the Manifesto only mentions the word “Slovak” a few times. In response, Igor Matovic from the Obycajni ludia faction of the ruling SaS party informed her that the word is used 391 times on the first 27 pages alone.

Matovic, who believes in speaking his mind directly, retorted: “You’re lying publicly and you are not ashamed of it?”, before saying she should take off the cross around her neck because she is an embarrassment to Christians.

Matovic will definitely make for some entertaining parliamentary sessions as he also spoke out against former PM Robert Fico saying he should be ashamed of what he has done.

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