Join us in this Meditation Conference organized by Heartfulness Meditation Bratislava to “Learn how to reduce Stress” with a practical Guided Relaxation & Meditation Exercise, on Sunday, November 6th at 5PM in Crowne Plaza.
A panel of Experienced Heartfulness Trainers will answer your questions after the Meditation.
Reserve your FREE spot at
More info:
Address / adresa: Crowne Plaza (Hodžovo námestie 568/2)
The conference is FREE of charge (Thanks to our generous sponsors).
Konferencia je ZADARMO (vďaka našim štedrým sponzorom)
The conference will be in English and Slovak.
Jazyk: Anglický a slovenský
Please be seated inside the conference room before 17:00
Prosím, usaďte sa v konferenčnej miestnosti do 17:00
17.00 – Opening Ceremony / Slávnostné zahájenie
17:10 – Talks by innovative speakers / Prednášky inovatívnych rečníkov
17:30 – Experience Guided Relaxation and Meditation / Vedená Relaxácia a Meditácia
18:15 – Q&A with a Panel of Experienced Heartfulness Meditation Trainers / Otázky a odpovede
19:00 – Conclusion / Záver