Even though current economy minister Juraj Miskov previously said he is all in favour of loosening up regulation in the energy sector, his ministry now wants to reject the submitted proposal of the regulatory policy for the 2012-1016 period.
Miskov sees scope for better prices, and so at a press conference today he announced that the government would be appealing to regulatory authority URSO to set the policy in a way that monopolies would not be able to generate excessive profits.
Miskov admitted that Slovakia has the highest energy prices among the Visegrad Four, which he sees as something that should not be tolerated. He is backed by PM Iveta Radicova, who on behalf of the government noted that the regulator’s proposal was unacceptable, as it did not include what it should, namely the criteria to be used by the regulator to set prices.
The intention is part of the government’s latest attempts to curb food prices, which energy prices have a strong impact on.