New Charges for Laszlo Csatary in Slovakia

New charges have been filed in Slovakia against alleged Nazi war criminal Laszlo Csatary, who is under arrest in Hungary.

The new charges have been filed by a man whose father was deported to Germany in January 1945 and it is alleged that Csatary was responsible for this deportation.

The Slovak Justice Minister said on Monday that he would like to see Mr Csatary put on trial in Slovakia a request also echoed by leaders of Slovakia’s Jewish community.

1 Comment

  1. The relatives of those unfortunate people who were rounded up and handed over to the Nazis in WWII have every right to lay additional charges at this man’s feet but this sudden interest of the Slovak state in trying Csatary smells a bit. Slovakia made no attempt to locate this man, he was found by a UK newspaper which just about sums up the competence of the Sk police. The Hungarian desire to try him is quite amusing as Hungary was an Axis member during the war and again they made no effort to track him down.
    He was originally sentenced to death by the Czechs yet somehow managed to walk away from the noose.
    There is little or no confidence in the legal systems of those countries mentioned so it would be more appropriate to hand him over to an international court so that justice is seen to be done by all.

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