Open-Mic Comedy

This is a free entry event!

Monday 23rd April at 8PM in Goblins Pub. Dunajská 29, 811 08 Bratislava

We are delighted to launch a new regular series of Open-Mic comedy shows at Goblins. If you fancy yourself as a comedian or just like the idea of getting up on stage to tell a funny story, this is your chance to give it a go. Bring your friends along to support you and enjoy a fun evening.

If you would like to take part as a performer, you can give us a 3-minute story or a 20-minute act, or something between the two. It’s all for fun and free to take part or watch, so why not give it a try?

The best performers will get a chance to win a spot on stage at one of our professional comedy shows. So this is your chance to shine!

To register in advance as a performer, just email and send us your name and a summary of what you would like to do. It’s as simple as that!

For the audience, this is your opportunity to see and hear some of Bratislava’s new talent and perhaps a few more established acts too. As the line-up grows, we will let you know here who will be performing.

The show will be hosted by our regular MC, Howard Cohen and we already know that some of Slovakia’s best comedians, including Matej Adamy plan to perform in English at this show.

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