Parliamentary speaker Sulik to face no-confidence vote today

Richard Sulik

At 2 pm today, 8 September, parliament will take the vote on whether to recall Speaker of the house Richard Sulik (SaS) from the post, thanks to a no confidence vote initiated by Robert Fico and his SMER-SD party.

SMER-SD has criticised the Speaker as having no respect for anyone and also accused him of insulting constitutional institutions in Slovakia like never before. They feel that Sulik should be recalled because his party did not nominate any representatives to the Central Committee for the referendum initiated by the SaS party, which will take place on 18 September.

The general consensus is that the coalition will hold strong to keep Sulik in the post, however, as it has a slight majority of 79 votes, which is all that is needed to overturn the motion.

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