Police Boast 3,500 Fewer Road Accidents in 2011

The police are boasting that the number of traffic accident so far this year is the lowest since Slovakia became independent back in 1993, with a total of 8,149 car accidents (3,486 fewer than last year).

photo: Regional Fire Brigade KR HaZZ Trnava

Road accidents have claimed the lives of 168 people in Slovakia so far this year (similar to last year), with 3,630 injuries (573 less than last year). In total the accidents have extinguished the lives of 35 pedestrians, 7 cyclists and 11 bikers, with the rest all involving passengers.

Police commissioner Jaroslava Spisiak declared previously that he wanted to achieve 5,000 fewer road accidents this year compared to last year, or he would hand in his resignation. So far he seems to be on the right path to meeting this target.

1 Comment

  1. So the same number of deaths, for 3500 less REPORTED accidents or crimes as Police Chief Spisiak calls them ..hardly a stunning endorsement for the Slovak Police Force and their safety campaign of 2011 . I would feel a number of Officers are out of pocket thou ??? Less reporting means less fine revenue, or Friday night beer money .

    I always thought the French were the worst drivers I ever met on European roads until I came to Slovakia … Now Slovaks and Slovak women drivers especially take that trophy hands down …

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