President Ivan Gašparovic, whose ten years in office ends this Sunday, found time to make one last gesture by appointing 11 judges to the Constitutional Court on Thursday 12 June.
Gasparovic will hand over the office of president on Sunday to Andrej Kiska, who defeated Prime Minister Robert Fico to occupy the post. Three more judges are to be appointed by the president, but this may be left to President-elect Kiska, as Gasparovic’s spokesman Marek Trubac said it is not on his schedule. He did not forget to add, though, that this could still change before the president hands over power on Sunday.
Trubac also mentioned how the president may also sign some laws before Sunday, when time runs out for the resilient president, who has maneuvered and adapted in Slovak politics since before the Velvet Revolution. These include a constitutional amendment reforming the judiciary and another, more controversial, change, that defines marriage as an exclusive union between one man and one woman, ruling out same-sex marriages.
Gasparovic’s spokesman Marek Trubac …does anyone think he will have that broom handle removed from his own svinkta ….? ……and his nose repainted a nice red/blue and white colour, instead of that dung shade ????
Leave already.