Spisiak is new head of police – corruption and organised crime are the priorities

Today, 19 July, Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic (KDH) officially appointed former police vice-president Jaroslav Spisiak (2001-06) as the new Police Corps president. This confirms rumours from last week that the renowned crime-fighter would be back at the helm of the police force under the new government.

Lipsic explained Spisiak ‘s appointment by saying “results have always been visible in his work”, and expressed his conviction that the new head of police will have the fight against organised crime and corruption as his top priorities.

“The police must be apolitical but not disinterested – always on the side of law-abiding people,” said Lipsic. He also said that the police would be given a free hand to make sure nobody was above the law, including lobby groups.

Talking about his new position, Spisiak said: “There was no other option for me but to accept the offer”.

Let’s hope he gets all the support he needs for the demanding task that lays ahead of him.

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