Traffic Police Out in Force This Week

This week the Slovak police join the week-long speed enforcement campaign taking place across Europe and co-ordinated by the organisation TISPOL.

Traffic police throughout the country will be targeting those with a heavy boot on the pedal in an effort to increase the level of safety on the roads as speeding is one of the most frequent causes of traffic accidents. According to SITA newswire, in the first quarter of this year alone some 537 road accidents were caused by speeding, with 20 dead and 311 injured.

The police will be concentrating on all aspects of road safety, though, so you can expect some random spot checks as well.



  1. Thanks for that JB, a good article. I got my info from the news report on JOJ last night. The five year ban wasn’t mentioned, I think ( my Sk is not very good!). Interesting that his defence lawyer tried using a UK court case as precedence – maybe SK judges should take UK sentences as precedence as well.
    So he was speeding, on the phone and suffers from mysterious blackouts, the final claim makes him a continuing danger on the road and he should be banned for life.

  2. How apt! Yeserday after a FOUR year court case ( was everyone in the SK a witness?) a former TV presenter was sent down for two years for hitting and killing a child whilst driving. Two years! He hit the child on a country road at 139KPH, the police and TV footage clearly show that he was on the “wrong” side of the road when the accident occured. No suprise really, has Dara Rollins, got away with killing that cyclist?
    Fourteen years, massive fine, banned for two years after he gets out of the nick and required to take a special extended retest to get his licence back – court time 2 -3 days. Oh sorry thats in the UK! The parents of that small child must be gutted that such a protracted court case resulted in such an insult of a sentence. Moral of this story – There is no point the SK police trying to get these animals off the road if the SK courts are going to dispense such weak justice. Lady Justice is not only blind in the SK, she is deaf, wheelchair bound and has dementia – Would be tourists take note.

  3. Whoopy do! the police are going to make a special effort this week? The quarterly figures should have been enough alone to prompt such intense action, not to mention a “kick in the arse” for the listless police. Of the 20 KIA how many were law abiding road users wiped out by the brainless? This article illustrates the “bolting horse, lock the door” attitude to almost everything in this country – the police are going to do their job for a week, lets have a newspaper article. What about the other 51 weeks? Back to normal, who gives a damn? We still get paid for doing jack!
    It took four police to check that my residents car pass was not a forgery – Ah a foreigner – easy meat, lets get some money. The twelve Slovak cars in the street that had neither passes or valid parking permits – ignored. Slovaks who drive the wrong way down one-way streets – ignored. Mobile phone users – ignored. If the SK wants tourists and foreign investment then public safety should be a higher priority. People are not going to leave there well ordered countries to play Russian Roulette on the roads here or be subject to open, institutionalised discrimination from your disgraceful police force.

  4. More like a revenue collection rather than a enforcement campaign. The motorist is a soft target and it is time we the public, refused to be intimidated by these gestapo tactics , whilst traveling on our business ….They they are no better than the aggressive Tram ticket inspectors , that pick on poor tourists and try to fine them for being a minute or two over their travel time .

    The police are little concerned for road safety …..more to do with paying their annual bonuses !

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