Slovakia steams ahead with yet another multinational giant launching operations this month, when on 28 June Taiwanese company AU Optronics opens its plant in Trencin.
The company hopes to employ up to 1,300 people whilst creating a further 2,000 jobs as a knock-on effect of its operation. It will therefore become a major employer in the region with plans to spend around EUR 200 million in Slovakia over the next three years. Mayor of Trencin, Richard Rybnicek, expects the new investment not only to boost employment, but also culture and education.
More proof that Slovak is weathering the current situation well ahead of many of its European partners, with expected growth of close to 4% forecast and an A+ international credit rating.
Hopefully Slovakia can continue to attract companies and investments like that of AU Optronics now that the economic tsunami seems to have abated, paving the way for prosperous growth.
Given the history of this crisis, we are in the wake of it and now its damage control and rebuilding time. And its only in the wake that we can assess the damage. The crest has hit and the damage done, now its counting the cost time for Ireland, Greece, Spain etc. But other countries were less exposed and are in recovery. Slovakia is not Ireland or Greece. I ask you to remember who and what actually caused this crisis, everyone seems to have forgot what was the catalyst of the crisis. Where did the money come from for over borrowing? Anyway Good news is the jobs are actual in Trencin and maybe now the civic improvements will happen in the course of time.
Since Slovakia cannot create its own interesting jobs, I welcome someone else to do the work. Best of luck and now I’m almost certain all these Trencin potholes and broken lights can now be remedied without major EU funding and grants !!! maybe they’ll even remove the dumpsters out of the center or would that be asking too much?? i bet the new bright yellow trailer serving langose (the one with the electric plug running across the end of the parking lot, close to where the non-functioning city pool is) will stay due to the high demand since that’s apparently a popular place to vomit.
‘The economic tsunami seems to have abated ‘ ???? Since When ??????
Such financial insight …Greece , Ireland, Portugal, Hungary and Spain come to mind …