A drop of relief for some towns and villages

Some towns and villages in Slovakia made a special request to the government for assistance in dealing with the consequences of fires, windstorms and floods this year, and so can be at least a little pleased by the government’s decision yesterday to allocate EUR 69,000 from its reserves for the relief.

It seems that this is just a raindrop in a downpour, though, as the damages caused by these natural disasters carry a much higher bill. Even so, the money will now make its way to Stara Lubovna, Klokocov, Vysoka nad Kysucou, Turzovka, Olesná, Nova Bystrica, Lutisa, Zvolen, Zemplín, Trebisov and Hankovce, as it was their mayors that initiated the request for assistance, reports newswire TASR.

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