Constitutional Court Retreats on Attorney General Affair

The Constitutional Court has revoked its own preliminary injunction to stop public voting of the Attorney General until it decides whether it is constitutional or not.

Who will be King of the Castle? (c) The Daily

After the court froze a public vote, the coalition organised another secret vote in parliament, which eventually saw the coalition candidate Jozef Centes elected to the post. The injunction therefore lost its basis.

President Ivan Gasparovic refused to appoint Centes, though, using the excuse that he would wait until the Constitutional Court issued an official decision, even though Centes had been elected in line with the Rules of Procedure in force to date, which were not under question.

The Constitutional Court hasn’t said why it took the latest decision, but many legal experts regard it as unprecedented. There is no set deadline by which the President should appoint the new Attorney General, but there is basically no excuse for him not to do so, unless he is ‘favouring’ the demands of the opposition, something that he has been accused of doing for some time.


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