Czech Airlines Launches New Bratislava – Prague and Košice Flights

Czech Airlines will add two new scheduled flights between Prague and Bratislava and between Košice and Bratislava to this year’s winter flight schedule. The operation on both flight connections will start on 11 December 2013; sale of air tickets for the new flights will be started tomorrow in all distribution channels.

For both lines, Czech Airlines will dispatch two return flights every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. From the 2014 summer season, the offer will be extended to two flight connections daily with the exception of Saturday. Czech Airlines will thus return, in the year when we commemorate the 90th anniversary of the company establishment and commencement of operation, to its historically first airline Prague – Bratislava. The Václav Havel Airport Prague will again get a direct connection with the capital of Slovakia.



Czech Airlines (c) Akron Ohio

“Slovakia is a traditional and natural market for Czech Airlines that we would like to be more active on. The company went through the three-year restructuring plan within the framework of which a number of unpopular but necessary austerity measures had to be implemented. During this time, changes occurred both in demand and in Slovakian air traffic market that we have been monitoring for a long time.

Nowadays we can provide passengers with products that are missing in the market but are being increasingly demanded. That is the main reason for opening new flight connections of Czech Airlines in Slovakia,“ said Jozef Sinčák, CSA Vice-President for Sales and Marketing.

Morning and evening flight connection on the most requested days, i.e. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, as well as the departure and arrival times of the new scheduled airline between Prague and Bratislava are adjusted particularly to the needs of travelling salesmen.

Departures from Prague are planned for 6:35 and 17:30, return flights from Bratislava are planned for 10:10 and 21:05. This airline will be served by turbo-propeller airplanes of the ATR 42 or 72 type, the flight between Prague and Bratislava lasts only one hour.

Due to large reconstruction of the D1 highway, the new flight connection between Prague and Bratislava may be an interesting alternative to the passenger car transport between both capital cities. Prices of return air tickets to Bratislava start at 79 EUR including all airport charges.

More connections and connecting flights in the 2014 summer season

The airline between Bratislava and Prague connects to a number of Czech Airlines flights, for example to Barcelona, Bucharest, Copenhagen, Kiev, Milan, Moscow, Nice, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Warsaw, but also to Seoul which will be appreciated particularly by managers of many South Korean companies operating in Slovakia.

“In the 2014 summer season, Czech Airlines will increase the number of return flights between Prague and Bratislava to two flights daily on all working days; during weekends, Sunday evening flight connection will be available. From April 2014, we will extend the number of connecting flights, particularly to destinations in the Russian Federation, for example to Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and Ufa, but also to Zurich or Geneva.

Prices of transfer return tickets from Bratislava to destinations in Western Europe will start at 179 EUR, prices of tickets to destinations in Russia and Ukraine will start at 279 EUR including all charges. Passengers who want to fly from Bratislava to Seoul may pay as little as 642 EUR,“ added Stanislav Zeman, CSA Executive Manager for Sales.

From Košice to Bratislava (and vice versa) in 50 minutes

Together with the new airline between Prague and Bratislava, Czech Airlines introduce also domestic air flight connection between Košice and the capital of Slovakia.

During the current winter season, morning and evening flights will be available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. From the end of March 2014, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday flights will be added to the offer. Flights from Bratislava to Košice are planned for 7:50 and 18:45, return flights for 9:00 and 19:55. The flight will last 50 minutes. Prices of return air tickets will start at 99 EUR including all airport charges.



  1. I am lost in this country, given there is no real motorway from the Capital to Slowvakia`s second city of `culture` and can take 6 to 7 hours drive even on a good day, they still would rather drive than fly-hire ….other than cost and ego because the OWN A AUDI …..can anyone tell me why they do this ?

  2. Or just fly from nearby VIE airport.
    If I had to fly to ICN, Korea from Blava, I would prefer to go VIE-FRA-ICN or VIE-CDG-FRA instead of less frequent weekly flights from Blava to Praha. Great airport with wonderful location but with VIE all new and international, the choice is easy.

    1. *VIE-CDG-ICN

  3. This is crazy. Danube Wings cancelled their flight between
    Bratislava and Kosice or at least reduced it to twice a week and now Czech Airlines is offering more flights. Someone is going to get a hurt down here

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