New Job Prospects on the Horizon

AT&T expands. The company in Kosice currently employs 600 people and by the end of 2014, plans to open approximately an additional 100 new jobs. Total number of employees in Kosice and three branches in Bratislava rise to 3 000. Employees of AT&T in Slovakia provide support for the needs of multinational companies from around the world.

MORE JOBS FOR FIĽAKOVO AND LUČENEC – There is more work in Filakovo and Lucenec. Thanks to investment incentives, Swedish and Americans will expand their production. The Swedish company has been operating in Filakovo for several years. It has 180 employees in the production plant now. Their number should double in three years.

HOPE FOR NEW INVESTOR IN TURZOVKA – There is a hope that a new investor, which may create 30 jobs, will arrive to Turzovka. The investor from Belorussia wants to build a smaller hall in Turzovka, or to use the former complex of SAD for its aims. It would like to produce labels there.

NEW JOBS IN PRIEVIDZA – A new investment of the plastic window manufacturer Slovaktual planned for next year is expected to bring some 140 jobs. The company intends to expand. The parent company of the Slovak producer, Swiss company AFG Arbonia-FosterHolding, decided to erect a new plant in the Prievidza district.

INDUSTRIAL PARK LIPANY WILL WELCOME NEW COMPANIES – Four smaller domestic firms are heading into the industrial park in Lipany in the district of Sabinov. In total they should give work of 98 people. Two of them are interested in the business of generating electricity from biomass.

Source: SARIO

1 Comment

  1. So adding up this exciting news, that`s around 500 `new` jobs, across a huge area of West and Central Slowvakia ?? That`s hardly going to put a dent in the 14% unemployment figure, now is it ? The mind boggles at all those highly educated and super skilled workers shoveling crap into biomass boilers .

    Given these positions are almost certain to to be subject to state incentives, ( ie bribes) just how much is this going to cost those of us that actually do work, in uncreated jobs and via our taxes ?

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