PM launches investigation into her own cabinet members

Prime Minister Iveta Radicova means business when it comes to eradicating corruption and demanding personal liability for past endeavours.

She proved this one again this week when she launched an enquiry into two current government members over the legality of contracts worth over EUR 1.5 million that were signed in 2007 and 2008 by the Ministry of Finance led by former minister Jan Pociatek (Smer-SD).

The contracts went to a company that at the time was co-owned by the present State secretary for the Ministry of Transport, Ivan Svejna (Most-Hid) and State secretary for the Ministry of Economy, Martin Chren (SaS). The company, Hayek Consulting, gained three of four contracts that did not go through the standard procedure for tenders.

The largest of the four contracts, worth EUR 1.4 million and which went through public procurement, was for training local authorities to use their budgets effectively.

Hayek Consulting, which is now part of the F.A. Hayek Foundation, is arguing that the other three contracts were for just EUR 90,000, meaning no tender was necessary by law.

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