Labour ministry hires law firm to analyse social companies

The so-called social companies that were set up by former labour minister, Viera Tomanova, are to be examined by an external law company based on a contract award from the  the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.

Jozef Mihal (c) The

The contract for legal services went to law firm White & Case and is worth around EUR 30,000 (inc. VAT). Now the law firm will assess the current situation in the social companies and produce an analysis of the Ministry’s legal position in relation to them.

The social companies were subject to strong criticism and suspicion of being used as a way to funnel money out of the ministry. Last year state secretary at the labour ministry, Lucia Nicholsonova, announced that the ministry was going to try to reclaim some of the money from the companies and immediately halted their funding. She claimed that the companies had received money illegitimately and illegally.

1 Comment

  1. […] minister Jozef Mihal referred to the analysis as useless, though, and then awarded a contract worth EUR 30,000 to have a new one prepared by law office White&Case, in the hope of getting back around EUR 11 million from Tomanova’s social companies. He wants […]

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