State secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Regional Development, Jozef Nagy (Most-Hid), who was recently appointed as the future environment minister once the ministry is restored on 1 November, declared today that he would do everything in his power to get the EUR 15 million back from the Interblue Group, related to the sale of emissions to the company.
The EUR 15 million that he is referring to is supposed to be paid back for green projects that the government carried out. Nagy also said that in his opinion the emissions contract is finished, rejecting any claim that Interblue Group has to purchase more emissions.
Nagy plans to focus on all the contracts that were signed by the ministry under the former government, and to get the public involved more in making decisions about environmental issues.
Nagy has faced criticism since his nomination as future minister, but as he himself said, he is primarily an expert at working with people, while having a good overall insight into environmental issues.