Some of the allegations arising out of the Gorilla corruption affair could be gaining weight as TV Markiza claimed at the end of last week how a company owned by former head of privatisation agency FNM Anna Bubenikova’s husband, Roman Bubenik, was involved in a transaction that was mentioned in the Gorilla reports.
According to information discovered by the TV channel, the company Pressburg Properties, which was co-founded by Bubenik, sold a factory mentioned in Gorilla, with some shady figures involved.
According to the Gorilla reports, Bubenikova is suspected of having received a payoff for assisting financial group Penta. Just how, or if, she received her commission, is not known, but her husband’s company cashed in on a deal that saw it sell three analyses and a factory in the town of Medzilaborce way over the market price.
An investor from Britain, allegedly fictive, paid over EUR 6.6 million for the analyses and the factory building, even though the price of the proerty was only about EUR 330,000. The transaction went ahead via the company Elementa, also co-founded by Bubenik and subsequently taken over by Pressburg Properties after the company officially went bankrupt.
The Gorilla reports mention the company Elementa as the channel via which Bubenikova was allegedly to receive her crony commission. Bubenik rejected the claim, saying Pressburg Properties had never been involved in such a deal. That much is true, but Bubenik also claims that the company made no profit from taking over the company Elementa. Also probably true, as the company has had bankruptcy pending since 2006. Penta itself has also rejected any dealing with either company.
Anna Bubenikova, who was recalled from here post in the FNM by the caretaker government of Iveta Radicova, has now said that she never received any commissions from dealings while she was in her post, while denying also the claims made in the Gorilla reports. One can’t help wondering why it took so long for her to make such a clear and distinct statement, as the allegations surrounding her integrity have been flying around since December.
An article published yesterday in Hospodarske Noviny claims that Bubenikova and her husband may have left the country as nobody has managed to contact either of them in the past few days.
Can I mention the Shady spelling then ?
~even though the price of the proerty was only about EUR 330,000.~
no mention of shady people, just shady figures – numbers
John , How do you mean `some Shady people`, any names, any source, any colour ,….Dotcom ?
BTW. I just wondered if this was information article, is to place to help and be useful the expats of Slovakia, whilst they grow in spirit and mind and of course be several euro lighter in their pockets ?