Young Man Could Face Prison for 0.1g of Grass

The issue of a no-tolerance policy in recreational marijuana use is back in the news after a young 17 year old boy was found with a miniscule 0.1g of grass, but who could face a prison sentence for his habit all the same.

Cannabis Sativa (c) Psychonaught

The news server published an article about the case today. It cites Trencin police spokesman Pavol Kudlicka as saying the youngster would be subject to a 3-year sentence for possession, but this punishment is halved as he is still a minor.

The police charged the youngster under the crime of illegal manufacture of narcotic and psychotropic substances, poisons and precursors, their possession and trade.

The news portal quotes MP for the Freedom and Solidarity party (SaS) Martin Poliačik as saying in disgust: “I hope Mr policemen are proud of themselves and get a bonus. They have removed criminality from the streets”, while candidate for Ordinary People Laco Durkovic added “When will this craziness end in this country?”.

The SaS party has always been a staunch supporter of decriminalising soft drugs like marijuana as it does not agree that young people should have a criminal record slapped on them for such soft drug use.

Just across the border in the Czech Republic, you can possess up to 6 of your own marijuana plants and 15 grams of pure weed on your person and not receive any charges as this ever popular herb has been decriminalised there and the personal use of other drugs is also tolerated to a large extent.


  1. One would think that in a country with resources so limited as to prohibit the fixing of roads, buildings, and other essential infrastructure, it would be a better allocation of those limited funds to not use them to incarcerate people (especially children) for minor possession of soft drugs.

    1. This is LIBERAL people bonkers week no ?…….first it was the sniveling No.2 ferret in Downing Street moaning on and on that call me Dave used our UK Veto ……Now these Beckley geeks on drug use ………you break the LAW and get caught, you go to jail or pay a huge fine ……..not lean against a lamp post, smoking a spiff and claim it is your democratic right, or your culture, man !

  2. I agree entirely John, To add to your report of injustice : Following the theft of my wife’s bag money and cards from her office at the ministry of Labour and families, yesterday, the police officer, based in Safrikova Nam, openly stated that theft is not a crime. When asked if he would at least investigate he said no, but that he would inform her if they caught someone.

    1. yes, the levels of punishments for various crimes in Slovakia has always confused me. Another road killer was the TV presenter who killed a young boy after he smashed into him, his father and brother on their bikes on a country road. He got 2.5 years and is still fighting it. Basically, it seems taking away someone’s life here bears the same weight as somebody smoking a herbal/medicinal plant for their own pleasure. That is a pretty sad state of affairs.

    2. So theft is NOT a crime? Now there`s`novel …..all those stealing from the State in Land deals, Carbon emissions deals , over priced contracts deal and brown bags with `coupons` inside to build were you should not were not theft or a crime, but something else ??

      Only in Slovakia can people have such a moral compass .

      As for the drug takers , you`re having a laugh John, are you high as a kite ??…Bang em away I say , as a lesson , ZERO tolerance to any Pot drug takers…

  3. it is actually inhuman, especially when you consider the speeding driver who ploughed into two young girls coming home from school on the pavement, killing both. He was sentenced yesterday to just 4 years and will probably get out in 2, as the case has been going on for a year already.

  4. and today another 22-yr old on same charges in Kosice could face up to 3 years for 0.35 g.

  5. Stary J, I have to agree , I too was rocking with laughter at Call me Dave and his utter bollox of stating the bleeding obvious . I did love the bit ……..`Drug dealers are not providing a service to the using public, they are running a business. Many dealers will openly admit that they regard their customers with contempt, they pray on peoples’ weakness. ` …err yea right Dave …read rather Drug Dealers , read Tesco, Banks , Financial Advisers etc , etc etc ….. Welcome to the world we live in and do we need a passport to enter your own little world Mr Crawford ?

  6. Dave – that whole bit about dealers identifying the weak, starting them on soft drugs, getting them ‘hooked’ and then exploiting them for more profitable ‘lines’… this is straight out of Reefer Madness, that was filmed in 1936. Your attitudes are over 70 years out of date. The ‘business model’ you describe does not exist outside of anti-drug campaigns and propaganda films.
    To sentence a teenager to prison time for possession .1g of a plant is madness.

  7. ” The problems faced by society are not the individuals using the drugs, it is the perversity of the supply chain and the subsequent “costs” that it has to bear as a result of thier (sic) indulgence. ”

    Very simple solution Dave : Legalise it and let people grow their own : )

  8. The young man is now being charged with tens times that amount, i.e. 1g

  9. “The harsh sentence handed down to this young man may actually protect him from a far more unpleasant future.”

    I have to assume this reactionary load of old bollox is a wind-up. But this line has really made my day, thx Dave you are a comedy genius.

  10. Whilst I fully support the principle of people being able to inject, snort, toot or bomb any substance in the privacy of their own home, the reality of recreational drug use is that it is often practised in public areas. Young people are often introduced to the drugs scene by their peers, at school, university or at social gatherings, clubs and discos.
    The problems faced by society are not the individuals using the drugs, it is the perversity of the supply chain and the subsequent “costs” that it has to bear as a result of thier indulgence.
    Drug dealers are not providing a service to the using public, they are running a business. Many dealers will openly admit that they regard their customers with contempt, they pray on peoples’ weakness. Their business plan is quite simple, identify people who are prepared to experiment with drugs, get them started on weed or blow and then slowly introduce them to the more profitable, addictive, lines they sell. Once they have someone hooked they use the customer’s need to expand their customer base and profit margin by getting the users to recruit their friends and by offering drugs as payment for attractive goods. How these goods are obtained is not their concern – they issue a shopping list and expect it to be fulfilled – if not – no drugs.
    The costs to society – the treatment of the mental and physical problems that drugs inflict on users. An increase in both petty and serious crime. The breakdown of family structures, the loss of employment and homes. Increased levels of drug related accidents, violence, abuse and anti-social behaviour.
    The harsh sentence handed down to this young man may actually protect him from a far more unpleasant future.
    Tolerance may be a vote winning buzz word but in the real world a society relaxes drug legislation at its own peril. Ask a drugs officer in Liverpool, Hamburg or L.A.

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