10th European Day of Languages

‘You live a new life for every new language you speak; if you know only one language, you live only once.’ This Czech proverb is one of the slogans for the 10th European Day of Languages, which will be marked on and around 26 September with events including conferences, quizzes, poetry readings and street games (full list here). The aim is to promote language learning and celebrate Europe’s linguistic diversity, from the 23 ‘official’ languages of the EU to its wealth of co-official, regional and minority languages and dialects. Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will sign a joint declaration with Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, to re-affirm their commitment to multilingualism. The EU’s Polish Presidency has put language learning high on its agenda and is urging young people to learn two languages in addition to their mother-tongue to further their personal and professional goals.

photo (c) Tibor Macak, The Daily

“The benefits of speaking a language other than your native tongue are easy to see. Whether you’re working abroad in Germany, studying in France or on holiday in Cyprus, it’s a huge advantage to be able to communicate directly with the local population. Languages broaden the mind, open up new horizons and will increase your employability,” said Commissioner Vassiliou.

The EU invests €1 billion a year on schemes to boost language skills and other competences through initiatives such as Erasmus, which allows higher education students to spend part of their studies or training in another country. 400 000 predominantly young people benefit from EU ‘mobility’ grants each year through Erasmus and other schemes such as Leonardo da Vinci (vocational training) and Youth in Action (volunteering/youth work). As part of its commitment to language learning and skills, the Commission wants to double the number of these grants under its proposed budget for 2014-2020 (see IP/11/857). In addition, the EU invests around €50 million a year to support language-based activities and projects.


The first European Day of Languages, celebrated in 45 countries, was held in 2001 at the initiative of the Council of Europe. It aims to raise public awareness of the languages used in Europe, to promote cultural and linguistic diversity and to encourage people to learn languages.

The Commission and the Polish Presidency are organising a conference on language learning in Warsaw on 28-29 September. As part of this, they will host a ceremony to honour the best national and European language initiatives (Language Label Projects Awards, 28 September) and a lunch to promote how languages can create opportunities for small businesses and their staff (29 September).

The Commission’s translation ‘field offices’ across the EU are organising numerous events, and the highlights include a Language Music Festival in London, launched as part of the 2012 Cultural Olympiad, a round-table on the role of language skills for integration in Berlin, and poetry readings by translators and artists in various languages in four cities in Latvia. A campaign to attract more Dutch-language interpreters to the EU institutions will be launched in Brusselsand the Hague.

Press release from europa.eu

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