New combined power plant in Rimavska Sobota

Austrian company Stef (which has already made some major investments in Revuca and Velky Krtis) now intends to invest in facilities to produce energy from renewable sources in the region of Rimavska Sobota.
Existing installations in Revuca and Velky Krtis operate on a co-generation basis using biomass, while the installation at Rimavska Sobota will instead comprise a combination of biomass energy, gas and solar panels and will have a capacity sufficient to cover the energy needs of 17,000 residents in the area.
The biomass boiler should have an installed capacity of 5 MW per year by burning 10,000 tons of wood processing residue. The gas burner will have a capacity of just 1.5 MW, while the new photovoltaic system should have a capacity of a mere 26 kW.
The total investment (to be completed by the spring of 2011) should amount to EUR 5 million and be carried out by Energobyt, 41% owned by the Town of Rimavska Sobota.

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