Bomb scares at three justice institutions

Around 9 a.m. this morning, 16 September, an anonymous phone call was made by a woman claiming that bombs had been placed at the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Justice, which are based on the same building.

The premises were immediately evacuated and were searched by the police with special sniffer dogs. A large number of police descended on the area around the building, which was sealed off.

Another bomb threat concerned the Prosecutor General’s Office in Bratislava. Spokeswoman for the Prosecutor General’s Office, Jana Tokolyova, later informed TASR newswire that the police had found nothing following an intensive search of the premises.

All three bomb scares were shown to be false alarms in the end, and employees were allowed to return to their desks.

1 Comment

  1. […] Similar false alarms were dealt with recently at Bratislava Airport, the Supreme Court, the Attorney General’s office and the Ministry of Interior. […]

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