Concert for Bezak as Church Conflict Heightens

The sudden and disputed recall of former Archbishop Robert Bezak has led a group of his avid supporters to organise a concert this evening in Bratislava as a show of support for Bezak.

Composer Marian Varga will add his support

The organisers of the concert, which should take place on the Main Square in Bratislava from 7pm today, say “We feel that the Slovak public deserves to know the reasons that led to the recall of Monsignor Bezak as Archbishop. We want to show our support for him with this concert”, SITA newswire reports.

The Main Square might become a kind of a showdown as there are rumours that a counter-protest is being organised at the same time by those who defend the Pope’s decision to strip Bezak of his diocese. According to information on the internet, they are calling on people to show up, chant church songs and pray to disrupt the planned concert, the newswire states.

The sudden dismissal of Bezak created a wave of discontent among believers, who already boycotted Sunday mass in Trnava by standing outside the church on Sunday. Some big names in the Slovak music world are set to play at the concert, so it might be worth going along for that, if not for the chance to see a possible conflict between members of the same church.

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