Following the recent scandal over underhand practices being employed at the Police Academy, a total of 29 police cadets have been scored off the list and expelled as their entrance exams had been rigged.
The case led to criminal charges being brought against the former rector Vaclav Krajnik and two other top officials of the academy, who are now set also to be dismissed from the force. Bribes of up to EUR 5,000 allegedly changed hands, meaning Krajnik at least is also facing corruption charges. He was admitted to hospital following a mild stroke he incurred while being interrogated.
…..or just following the `Robin Hood` Fico approach to plain bribing the dim voting population of Ayran Slovaks ……
As the Slovak Keystone Cops continue their downwards slide into the realms of pure farce they have now received a push from their newly appointed commander. Bereft of any new ideas to combat crime he has just announced his intention to reverse many of the policies implemented by his predecessor. He makes no comment on the revelations at the academy yet grabs TV air-time by announcing that fines for motoring offences are to be reduced – what’s the current body count from the daily carnage of the roads?How much did this clown pay for his post? or is he just a good party member?
DC ………….and pigs might fly perhaps ?
29 cadets expelled from the current academy roll – Whoopy Do! 29 cadets to face criminal charges would be a more comforting headline or is it not an offence in this country to obtain falsified documents?
As EXPAT asks, what about those now serving who paid to get into the force? How many are there? How long has this been going on? and why is the police such an attractive career that people will pay to get in? – as usual the real questions are not being asked.
It appears Krajnik is a long time friend of certain politicians – birds of a feather?
As the Sk police continue their express elevator ride to the bottom of all the league tables perhaps its time the decent coppers, if there are any, started protecting their profession by “outing” these people who are currently within the ranks.
Mild stroke? Well, my heart bleeds.
I’m sure there’ll be medical care in prison for him.
What I would like to know is how long this has been going on, will anyone else take the fall as well, and if this is the way they start, how do they continue without a greased pocket to make up the investment?
Suppose the whole police force should be to blame, as I don’t see any honest police anywhere in this country! It is sad…..
The words `why am I not surprised ` come to mind. Of course anyone who graduated from this Police Academy should be fired today . Sadly there seems to be some way that we have all missed that makes a you in the police as a career, financially rich, or what is the real point in paying such a huge bribe in get in to the force ..the salary is hardly an incentive . Perhaps it is an ego size of tool thing ? Who knows ?
Given the police are the first line of defence against crime …One has to ask …Are there no honest Ayran Slovaks in this entire country, or are all you SK guys, just all blood sucking crooks ?